This specimen appears to be intermediate between O. rosenbergi (no orange on FW costa) and O. ataenia (the orange band is broader extends all the way to the margin). Cat. Lepid. Phalaenae Br. Mus. (Suppl.) 2: 158 1275 5. Automolis rosenbergi. AutomoUs rosenbergi, Roths. Nov. Zool. xvi. p. 47. pi. 0. f. 35 (1909). Female . Head and thorax dark brown, the sides of head, tegulae, and patagia with broad yellow stripes ; palpi with tin- basal joint white in front ; frons with metallic blue spot; pectus with yellow streaks below the shoulders ; fore coxae with yellow spot in front and metallic blue spoi at side-: fore femora, tibia?, and tarsi ami mid femora streaked with yellowish ; abdomen black-brown with metallic blue dorsal sputs on medial segments, a lateral series of blue spots and yellow lateral bands on 1st three segments, the ventral surface with paired yellow spots on 1st five segments, narrowing into bars behind, fore wing dark brown with an oblique yellow fascia from just above inner margin near base to vein 5 beyond the cell, then benl outwards below vein 6 to near termen. Hind wing dark brown with a yellow fascia just below costa from near base to near apex, its lower edge curved and extending to just below the cell. Hab. Venezuela, Tachira; W. Ecuador, Paramba (Rosen- berg), typet 2 in Coll. Llothschild, Hacienda Ave Maria. Exp. 14 millim. Rothschild, 1909; Novit. Zool. 16 (1): 47, (2): pl. 6, f. 35; 98. Automolis rosenbergi spec. nov. (PI. VI. fig. 3.5). Male, Female: Very similar to A. collateralis (=ataenia), but no yellow on costa and the central longitudinal band of forewing much narrower and curved downwards near apex and it does not reach outer margin. Hab. Paramba, Ecuador, 3000 ft., March 1897 (W. F.Rosenberg); Hacienda Ave Maria, West Ecuador (Bnchwald) ; Tachira, Venezuela (Briceno). 1286a Automolis ataenia. Automolis ataenia, Schaus, A.M. N. II. (8) vi. p. 199 (1910). Head Orange ; palpi except at base, antenna', and spots on frons and vertex of bead black ; thorax black, the tegulae and patagia orange edged with black, the molal liorax with metallic bine patch; pectus with orange lateral stripes, the fore coxae with orange patches, the Eemora and tibiae with whitish streaks; abdomen black with dorsal metallic bine spots on terminal segments and lateral and sublateral series, the 2nd and 3rd segments with lateral orange spots, the ventral surface with orange bands except towards extremity. Fore wing black, the costal edge orange to beyond middle; an oblique orange fascia from inner margin near base to vein <> beyond middle, then Kent outwards to termen ; cilia greyish in malt'. Hind wing black with the costal area broadly orange extending to below the cell; the underside with subcostal black streak ending on costa beyond middle. Hab. Costa Rica, Tuis (Schaus), M. 42mm, F. 48mm.